
來源: 米爾 2010-02-28 14:00:01 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (16581 bytes)
本文內容已被 [ 米爾 ] 在 2010-03-01 09:49:28 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

What a lovely month you have in store! Your home and romantic life will have exciting news, and you may also get a chance to travel to distant points, if not now, very soon. There is much to discuss in this busy month. Let's start at the top, with your home.


At the end of February, you may have begun to think seriously about improving your home, property, or family situation that has been on your mind for some time. Until now you've not had many options, and may have felt stuck. Then, suddenly, in late February you experienced a spectacular meeting of Jupiter and the Sun over the weekend of February 27-28, showing you that this situation could be resolved, much to your surprise. You may have already seen a big breakthrough, but if not, this month will continue and advance this theme in remarkable ways.


As you begin March, you have Jupiter (luck), Uranus (unanticipated events), Mercury (news), the Sun (your interest and focus), and the new moon (fresh starts) coming to your aid. Uranus, the new moon, Sun, and Mercury will be at 25 to 27 degrees Pisces in a rare crown of stars in one part of the chart, showing something is about to surface. The fact that the new moon - always an indication of your domestic condition - is conjunct Uranus shows that unforeseen situations will be at play.


Your career may factor into the changes that are happening at home too and will bring added shifts. For example, you may decide now to relocate so that you can find a better job, or because you are already in a very fine position and being promoted to a job that will require you live in another city, or even a foreign country.


Jupiter is your ruling planet and also the planet of good fortune and happiness. The fact that Jupiter will tour your sector of home and family during most of the year tells me you are likely to be protected and quite lucky when it comes to real estate leases, purchases, sales, renovations, and home decor projects. The changes you see will be changes you love and will lead you in the right direction.


You are also enjoying unusually strong family support, particularly from your parents.


You won't see any of these changes coming this month, but you will need to be poised to make quick decisions when opportunity knocks.


If you were born at the end of your sign, near December 16, plus or minus four days, you are most likely to be affected, or if you have 25 degrees Sagittarius rising.


Pluto will be at hard angles to the new moon, March 15, so you may have to write a number of checks. It looks like you are in the process of a lifestyle shift that that will require a hefty outlay of cash this month. Still, you seem to be spending carefully and deliberately. You seem to be dealing with an outstanding and unexpected offer, so it's a matter of either snapping it up quickly or risk losing it entirely due to indecision.

在3月5日冥王星將與新月成負相位(hard angles這個不確定該怎麽譯),因此你可能不得不做些標注。這個月你將需要在改變生活方式上有大筆支出。因此,你需要謹慎開支。你可能需要處理一項預料之外需解決的提議,要麽你就果斷決定,要麽你會因為猶豫不決而失去它。

Indeed this will be your best month of 2010 to make home and family-related decisions. If you can't get plans ready fast enough to move forward now, you will have another chance from mid-to-end of August, but they won't be quite as special as the ones happening now.


A new moon sets up two weeks of opportunity and will always be at its strongest during the first week, which in this case will be March 15-19. The actions you take this month have the power to affect you for a year to come, if not much, much longer than that. Actually, Jupiter's position suggests you're beginning a twelve-year cycle.


Let's backtrack a bit, because there will be other outstanding aspects happening at the start of the month that you'll want to note.


On March 3-4, Venus will move through your house of home and family and will link to Uranus. The job of Venus is to bring beauty to all that it touches, and in this case, if you are searching for the perfect swatch of wallpaper or a hard-to-find piece of furniture, or are ready to make any sort of other decorating decision, this would be the day to do it. You can also direct Venus' energies toward a landscaping project, if you are getting your garden and lawn ready for the new season.


The next big day to watch will be Sunday, March 7, when Mercury will conjoin Jupiter. This is an annual event, but this time is extra special because Jupiter and Mercury have not met in your home sector for more than a decade. This would be an ideal day to sign a contract or lease, or to negotiate any type of price for anything home related, from a house to furniture on eBay.


Because Mercury rules your career too, you may find that you have outstanding career news to share as well. Whatever offer or development comes up, it seems to be especially suited to you.


March 7 will be a Sunday, but you can use the energies of this gorgeous day, as this aspect moves to a peak on Friday, March 5, and Monday, March 8. This will be a spectacular, four-star day, so you should find you are VERY happy at this time.


Next, March 15 is not only the day of the important new moon but also the day that Mercury will conjunct Uranus. This is an aspect that's just brilliant for generating ideas, and you can use this day to focus on either career or home and family matters. Your mind will move at the speed of light on this day, and you may be stunned at your own inventiveness.


The aspects on March 17 will be weird, unusual, and completely surprising - Uranus conjunct the Sun! This is coming just after the new moon, so you could hear home-related news, or, because the Sun rules your ninth house, you may be on the phone, or on a jet, to a foreign country! This is all very possible, even if you have no plans to be away. Publishing and broadcasting enterprises (including digital forms, for the Internet, or phone apps) also glitter and could bring opportunities and sudden ideas. Creativity will be very high.


The weekend of March 20-21 bring mixed messages. On one hand, Saturn, the planet of hard work, will oppose the Sun, so you may feel that the tasks you have to do seem burdensome. Or, a friend you counted on may suddenly back out of a plan you had made together. (Do it anyway - you can do this alone.) A long distance trip taken this weekend could bring a delay, so call ahead to make sure your appointment is still on and that your flight is still on time.


On the other hand, this same weekend of March 20-21 will bring Mars in perfect harmony to the Sun, by then in your house of fun and love. As you see, you can sidestep problems and enjoy this weekend after all, which is why I say if a friend is leaving you flat, don't cancel your plans - go anyway! If you have been feeling that life has demanded much from you lately, take a break and find inspiration wherever you can. You deserve a day or two of pure fun.


As you get to month's end, planets will migrate into your true love sector. Jupiter, your ruler, will stay behind and brighten your house of home, but in June through September will also visit your fifth house of love, ensuring you a very romantic summer. (If you live "down under" then you can look forward to a very cozy, loving winter mid-year!)


This month, Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will move though your romantic sector. Venus will be the first to arrive, from March 7 to 30, and Venus will work with Mars so that you get a number of travel opportunities that will bring a possibility to find love (or to enjoy the love you already have for someone special).


Mercury will follow on March 17, and the Sun will enter your romance sector on March 20. As you see, you will soon have a crowd of planets brightening your fun and love sector, so your outlook is very happy for month's end and in April, even more so!


On the full moon, March 29, plus or minus four days, your eleventh house of celebratory events will be lit up brilliantly. It looks like you have a stellar event to attend at some point over the weekend of March 27-28, or shortly thereafter. You may be a bit concerned about how much you'll need to spend to attend this event, but it seems special and well worth the expense.


This full moon will be in beautiful angle to Mars, so you may need to travel a distance to get there. It will be fun, and you certainly need a chance to relax.


This divinely social trend is just the beginning of something bigger to come, dear Sagittarius. You'll be spinning romantic memories in April, too. We all want to be you! ,


Romance will be best: March 1, 2, 6-7, 12, 17, 20, 26, and 28-30.



翻譯: nino





由於家庭牽扯了大部分精力,你可能沒奢望還有時間花在旅行上 。 可上帝是如此的眷顧你,魚和熊掌對可愛的射手們而言是可以兼得的!火星恢複了順位,你也有機會在3月10號到6月7號期間外出遠行。涉外貿易、播放和出版計劃這些事情一直縈繞在你的思緒裏。隨著3月19號火星的急速運轉,親愛的射手們,沒有什麽能阻擋你振翅高飛、隨風翱翔。











浪漫的日子:3月1,2,6-7 ,12,17,20,26,28-30


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