此信息為土登.龍熱江措活佛10月12日到30日會在紐約逗留。雖然有朋友熱心地供養住宿的方便,但那位朋友卻本身並不是佛弟子,也不大了解佛教。不知道師兄或是師兄認識有人會有時間和發心去親近這位仁波切,特別是如果能夠show him around pr introduce him to the local temples and monastery。
龍熱江措仁波切自幼出家,在修習佛法以外,因為濟世利生的願心,仁波切對藏醫藥學和風脈氣功也進行了長期係統的研修。在藏漢兩地弘法時,常常隨緣為病苦大眾治病,時有令病者重病轉輕,乃至消失的事例,為弟子們親眼所睹。在治療過程中,仁波切秉承大乘佛法的入世精神,不問宗教種族,不涉政治,亦從不希求酬勞。 若有弟子或患者堅持供養,仁波切所收供養除維持基本生活所需,其餘全部用於修繕建造寺院,放生,和接濟其它貧困藏族僧侶等利他之行。
1. 如果您患的是常規醫療可以輕易解決的一般疾病(如感冒,過敏等),建議您首先嚐試向常規醫療係統尋求幫助。因為仁波切每次診治,都會或多或少消耗一定的精力和體力。但是,如果您經濟不佳,藥資匱乏;或是病症疑難,目前常規醫學無法解決,又或是西醫治療(如化療)造成身心痛苦的,非常歡迎您來電查詢和預約。聯係人為 夏先生, 電話: 973 417 6957。
2. 因為戒律的原因,見麵和治病過程中請盡量安排至少一位親友在旁陪同,女性尤其如此。每次治療時間一般不會超過一小時。
3. 如果您身體健康,但生活中感覺家宅不安,所求皆違,或是非人幹擾等等,也可來電請仁波切觀察。
4. 歡迎互相轉告。
Bio of Tubden Lungrig Jamtso Rinpoche
大密乘土登.龍熱江措(隆日降措)活佛於1969年本師釋迦牟尼佛聖誕日降生於西藏自治區昌都縣內。出生後被譽滿印度、尼泊爾、西藏等地的安多大活佛(洛珠丹珍)和阿耨空行母(宮讓丹珍)認定為寧瑪派財旺晉美活佛在西藏的第三世轉世活佛。他8歲在西藏昌都察雅寺正式剃度出家,跟隨曲傑益西羅布喇嘛、阿曲喇嘛等學習顯密大乘佛法。16歲起依止根本上師阿宗珠巴法王(土登.白馬逞列),修習大圓滿法係和風脈氣功等,並係統學習三藏教義、五明大論和其它教派密法經典,以及藏曆曆算和裝藏知識。 24歲後行腳藏地各處參學。從2000年起在色達喇榮五明佛學院依止晉美彭措法王學習密法,在多次辯經大會中名列前茅,於2003年圓滿完成學業,順利獲得堪布資格。於2004年,在西藏昌都索德紮西曲嘎寺正式上座,此後在藏漢兩地廣泛弘法。
Tubden Lungrig Jamtso Rinpoche was born on the auspicious Buddha Purnima day in 1969 in Changdu, Tibet. He joined the monastic order at the age of eight and studied Buddhism scriptures under the guidance of Lama Qujiexiluo and Lama Agu. Between age sixteen and twenty-four, he pursued the study of the Dharma of Dzogchen (Great Perfection), prana channels and bindus (yogic exercises) under the guidance of H.H Dharma King Azongzhuba. Since then and following the advice of the H.H Dharma King, he travelled extensively in Tibet on pilgrimages and Dzogchen practice before commencing his study in the Buddhist Academy of Wu Ming of Seda La Rong in 2000.
Between 2000 and 2003, he studied Esoteric Buddhism under the guidance of H.H. Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok in the Academy, and was conferred the Khenpo title (i.e. spiritual doctorate degree) based on his excellent academic performance.
He was inaugurated as the Abbot of the Suodezasiquga Monastery in Changdu, Tibet in 2004. Since then, he travels and teaches the Dharma extensively in Tibet and the rest of China.
1. 機紮堪布色達五明佛學院教導堪布,仁波切曾在其座下學習中觀及因明學通信地址: 中國四川色達縣喇榮五明佛學院聯係電話:+86 13568695509可用藏語交流 2. 將誠活佛仁波切曾在其座下學習噶舉派密法經典和風脈氣功通信地址:現旅居不丹 聯係電話: +975 17624072可用藏語和不丹語交流
Bio of Tubden Lungrig Jamtso Rinpoche
大密乘土登.龍熱江措(隆日降措)活佛於1969年本師釋迦牟尼佛聖誕日降生於西藏自治區昌都縣內。出生後被譽滿印度、尼泊爾、西藏等地的安多大活佛(洛珠丹珍)和阿耨空行母(宮讓丹珍)認定為寧瑪派財旺晉美活佛在西藏的第三世轉世活佛。他8歲在西藏昌都察雅寺正式剃度出家,跟隨曲傑益西羅布喇嘛、阿曲喇嘛等學習顯密大乘佛法。16歲起依止根本上師阿宗珠巴法王(土登.白馬逞列),修習大圓滿法係和風脈氣功等,並係統學習三藏教義、五明大論和其它教派密法經典,以及藏曆曆算和裝藏知識。 24歲後行腳藏地各處參學。從2000年起在色達喇榮五明佛學院依止晉美彭措法王學習密法,在多次辯經大會中名列前茅,於2003年圓滿完成學業,順利獲得堪布資格。於2004年,在西藏昌都索德紮西曲嘎寺正式上座,此後在藏漢兩地廣泛弘法。
Tubden Lungrig Jamtso Rinpoche was born on the auspicious Buddha Purnima day in 1969 in Changdu, Tibet. He joined the monastic order at the age of eight and studied Buddhism scriptures under the guidance of Lama Qujiexiluo and Lama Agu. Between age sixteen and twenty-four, he pursued the study of the Dharma of Dzogchen (Great Perfection), prana channels and bindus (yogic exercises) under the guidance of H.H Dharma King Azongzhuba. Since then and following the advice of the H.H Dharma King, he travelled extensively in Tibet on pilgrimages and Dzogchen practice before commencing his study in the Buddhist Academy of Wu Ming of Seda La Rong in 2000.
Between 2000 and 2003, he studied Esoteric Buddhism under the guidance of H.H. Dharma King Jigme Phuntsok in the Academy, and was conferred the Khenpo title (i.e. spiritual doctorate degree) based on his excellent academic performance.
He was inaugurated as the Abbot of the Suodezasiquga Monastery in Changdu, Tibet in 2004. Since then, he travels and teaches the Dharma extensively in Tibet and the rest of China.
1. 機紮堪布色達五明佛學院教導堪布,仁波切曾在其座下學習中觀及因明學通信地址: 中國四川色達縣喇榮五明佛學院聯係電話:+86 13568695509可用藏語交流 2. 將誠活佛仁波切曾在其座下學習噶舉派密法經典和風脈氣功通信地址:現旅居不丹 聯係電話: +975 17624072可用藏語和不丹語交流
本帖於 2009-10-15 09:24:17 時間, 由版主 米爾 編輯