我感覺做這種長期分析,也許要考慮用log scale, 不是linear scale來討論elloit wave.
it doesn't make sense to say that 140 to 500 is a longer wave than from 20 to 400, the former is ~4 fold and the latter 20 fold.
我感覺做這種長期分析,也許要考慮用log scale, 不是linear scale來討論elloit wave.
it doesn't make sense to say that 140 to 500 is a longer wave than from 20 to 400, the former is ~4 fold and the latter 20 fold.
well, that is Elliot theory says, have you studied it?
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12/08/2024 postreply
100% is minimal extension. It could also do 1.6x or even 2x
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12/08/2024 postreply
should us log scale for long term changes >100%.
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12/08/2024 postreply
You are just talking without studying, lol
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12/08/2024 postreply
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12/08/2024 postreply
還有神奇的地方,波浪理論說2浪回調可能在 .618 到 .768 區間,結果QQQ在22年回調就是 .618 附近
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12/08/2024 postreply
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