PTY -- YTD return 10%, Dividend 10% = Total 20%
PDI -- YTD return 13%, Dividend 14% = Total 27%
PCN -- YTD return 15%, Dividend 12% = Total: 27%
QQQ -- YTD return 20.6%, Divident .58% = Total 21%
SPY --YTD return 21%, Dividend 1.23% = Total 22%
PTY -- YTD return 10%, Dividend 10% = Total 20%
PDI -- YTD return 13%, Dividend 14% = Total 27%
PCN -- YTD return 15%, Dividend 12% = Total: 27%
QQQ -- YTD return 20.6%, Divident .58% = Total 21%
SPY --YTD return 21%, Dividend 1.23% = Total 22%
• 都比我的強 -tom_high- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 15:13:20
• 今年高分紅股都表現不錯,但不能說每年會這樣 -晚春123- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 15:28:47
• 對。關鍵要看十年到十五年下來的平均總回報 -三心三意- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 15:33:00
• 這些Pimco分紅股的基本成分是junk bond。 -llarry- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 16:44:31
• yet, PTY beat SPY on a 20yr total return -三心三意- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 16:46:00
• let world’s best bond manager to make $$ for u -三心三意- ♂ (0 bytes) () 09/26/2024 postreply 16:47:00
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