


Middle East crisis live: Israel rules out US-French plan for ceasefire with Hezbollah

Israel’s PM says news of a ceasefire with Hezbollah is ‘not true’, while foreign minister says ‘no ceasefire in the north’

People fleeing from Lebanon arrive on the Syrian side of the border.
06.09 EDT

AFP quotes Qatar’s foreign ministry spokesperson saying there is no direct link between Gaza truce talks and calls for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.

“I’m not aware of a direct link, but obviously both mediations are hugely overlapping when you are talking about the same parties, for the most part, that are taking part,” foreign ministry spokesperson Majed al-Ansari told reporters.

Benjamin Netanyahu and other senior Israeli figures have ruled out a 21-day ceasefire with Hezbollah which had been proposed by US president Joe Biden and French president Emmanuel Macron, and endorsed by several other countries in Europe and the Middle Eas


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