華爾街大佬們看來今年挺川, 那麽川輸了恐怕股市不妙。

明確挺川的大佬有馬斯克,紮克伯格,BILL ACKMAN

但是從賭局上看,川輸麵大。所以11 月前是應該減倉等待大選結果的。




BILL ACKMAN 在X 上痛斥合巹禮和拜登


Let’s not forget that

Biden was the Democratic presidential candidate 63 days ago. We were told by the administration and the media that Biden was in perfect health and that videos of him exhibiting serious deterioration were ‘right wing propaganda.’ Then, threatened with the 25th amendment, on July 21st, he stepped aside to be replaced by

who was complicit in the lie. She knew, and she told the American people otherwise. Her reward for keeping quiet was to become the presidential candidate without a primary or other transparent process for her selection. The Biden lie is perhaps the greatest lie ever told to the American people by our government. And this lie was also told to us repeatedly with a bold face by the current Democratic nominee for president. Now all of a sudden, the former most left-leaning Senator (proudly left of Bernie) and now the most left-wing politician in the country, over the last two months has become a gun-toting, shoot-the-intruder, fracking-supporting, border-wall-building candidate who began her career at

. She almost sounds like a Republican candidate for president. How can anyone trust anything she says? Even if you carefully watch her speak or read the transcripts of the four interviews and one debate she has done, it is nearly impossible to understand what she is saying. She has yet to answer a direct question about the economy, the border, or foreign policy. In response to questions about specific policies, she simply repeats the same scripted stories about being a prosecutor, growing up middle class, and/or other non-sequiturs, and neither the media nor the moderators challenge these insipid, unresponsive answers. I voted for

because after

’s first term, I believed the country would benefit by a more centrist candidate. Biden promised to bring the country together. And as Biden was a supposed ‘one-term’ president, we were misled into believing he wouldn’t be beholden to the progressive wing of the party and could implement a moderate political agenda. I and the American people were misled. I apologize for casting my vote for Biden. It was a big mistake. VP Harris’s entire candidacy relies on support from an undisclosed cabal of party leaders who selected her in a private process. She didn’t get one vote in a primary. As such, she is perhaps the most beholden-to-the party candidate in history. Her campaign is a blatant attempt to say what she needs to say in order to get elected. She is keeping her appearances unprecedentedly limited compared to any other candidate in history so that she has less surface area to be understood for who she really is and what she actually believes. She has done four interviews and

four during the last 63 days compared to 70 for Trump and

. [See: axios.com/2024/09/19/har] Ask yourself, what previous presidential candidate in history has run a campaign doing everything he or she could to avoid the media? You won’t find one. Then ask yourself, why? VP Harris’ evasiveness is only possible here because of a complicit media which should be screaming from the rooftops about her refusal to be interviewed, but instead repeatedly excuse and praise her and her campaign. In the nearly four years of the Biden/Harris administration, the world is up in flames with a hot war in Europe with approaching one million dead, and a growing conflagration in the Middle East. Our large and small cities are overrun with unvetted migrants with the associated impact on crime, budgets, and services, and lower income Americans cannot afford a proper meal. Our universities have become hotbeds of hate. Free speech is being squelched except for

, one of the first likely targets, along with its proprietor

, of a future Harris administration. Our government spending and waste are totally out of control and I could go on and on.

