Happening Now: Things are not looking good for Kamala Harris and ABC News. First, a whistleblower has offered to come forward with proof that Kamala was given the questions beforehand and promised Trump would be fact checked.
Now, Mark Penn, a former advisor for the Clintons, is calling on an independent investigation into ABC News for rigging a debate.
卡馬拉-哈裏斯(Kamala Harris)和美國廣播公司新聞台(ABC News)的處境不容樂觀。 首先,一名告密者主動站出來,證明卡馬拉事先得到了問題,並承諾特朗普將接受事實核查。
現在,克林頓夫婦的前顧問馬克-佩恩(Mark Penn)呼籲對 ABC News 操控辯論一事進行獨立調查。