老黃可能有很多原因要賣出股票,比如付稅,買房,買遊艇。。但是 Insider 賣股通常和股價走勢沒有必然聯係。
今年到目前為止,老黃賣出股票的比例占他個人持股的 0.7%左右, 不到1%。昨天我說 “銀行裏有100塊存款,拿出1塊錢來花” 指的就是這個.
NVDA 股價最近下跌,有很多原因,包括 Blackwall 延遲,DOJ 調查,對 AI ROI 的質疑,經濟下行時大廠對 AI 的投資可能減少,等等。
簡單說一下10b5-1 規則
10b5-1 規則生效前,公司的 Insider 一年內隻能在4個非常小的窗口才能出售股票。
有了10b5-1 規則,通過設立10b5-1計劃,Insider 全年都可以出售股票,包含封窗期的時間段。
10b5-1 計劃的幾個例子 -
Sell 500,000 shares of XYZ at a price of $50 or better with a maximum of 50,000 shares sold in any given trading day
Sell 1,000,000 shares of ABC in total, 250,000 shares at a limit price of $40, 250,000 shares at a limit price of $42, 250,000 shares at a limit price of $44, and 250,000 shares at a limit price of $46
Exercise an incentive stock option for 20,000 shares of LMN if the stock’s market price exceeds the option’s strike price by $20
Execute a two year variable prepaid forward contract with a 100% floor and 120% cap on 250,000 shares of GHI as long as the upfront payment on the contract exceeds 84% and the stock is above $40
Sell an amount of stock resulting in total proceeds net of commissions that approximates the published semester tuition rate for the University of Higher Education on December 1, 2011