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回答: 作者Harry Robertsonpinkteddybear2024-08-24 13:11:27

The data shows a total of inflow of "cumulative $145B" into money market in 3 weeks of Aug including last week. This is not a surprise as stock has been sold off hard in early half of Aug and it is natural that money flow into MMF.

Last week, the inflow into MMF, according to the report, is $37B, which means the inflow was $108B in the prior 2 weeks, so last week's inflow is actually slower than the average of the first 2 weeks. 

It looks like inflow could be caused more by stock market sell off, rather than rate cut.

Jerome's speech just took place on Friday so we can monitor how money flows in coming weeks,. That will tell a more realistic picture on investor's reaction to the upcoming rate cut
