現在川普威脅老鮑不許降息,你們還記得2019年川普是怎麽惡罵老鮑降息太慢的嗎? 記憶還在嗎

本帖於 2024-07-19 11:17:39 時間, 由普通用戶 300K 編輯

為了他自己,川普瘋狂逼迫老鮑加速降息, 盡管利率已經低到了1.75%。 

再看看現在, 川普這個人有什麽道德底線可言

川普任上不僅舉債8萬億,還瘋狂降息, 川普是拜登任上發生的大通脹的始作俑者。


Trump says Powell and the Fed ‘Fail Again’ — ‘No guts, no sense, no vision!’

  • President Donald Trump says the Federal Reserve and its chairman, Jerome Powell, have “no ‘guts,’ no sense, no vision!”
  • The president’s comments follow the Fed’s vote to cut interest rates by a quarter point to a target range of 1.75% to 2%, along with a 30-basis-point cut to the interest paid on so-called excess reserves.
  • The decision to cut rates follows a monthslong pressure campaign by Trump, who often criticized Powell by name as he complained that the current interest levels put the U.S. at an economic disadvantage to countries with lower rates.