Trump said mockingly. “Here’s a guy — nobody ever heard of him before,
and now, I made him, and he wants to show how tough he is.”
“I have the right to demote him, I have the right to fire him,” Trump said.
Trump said mockingly. “Here’s a guy — nobody ever heard of him before,
and now, I made him, and he wants to show how tough he is.”
“I have the right to demote him, I have the right to fire him,” Trump said.
• 老炮為啥不頂住,或者說頂不住?三權分立,靠的是各branch在大是大非麵前寸步不讓,而不是指望別人先讓。 -darkrifle- ♂ (0 bytes) () 06/07/2024 postreply 17:02:55
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