Warrant Exercise Offer 怎麽處理?

我不懂warrant,一直hold SAVA,前一陣子它家發了warrant,今天到期需要處理,請問我該怎麽辦?謝謝!

What is being offered: 

·Terms (subject to adjustment):

¨1 warrant = 1 share of the offeror's common stock (symbol - SAVA)(the Basic Warrant Exercise Rate)

¨Exercise price: $33.00 per warrant

·An early participation amount, if applicable, as described below


Early date: 

·Holders who exercise their warrants early will also receive an additional 0.5 share of common stock for each warrant exercised (the Bonus Share Fraction) without payment of any additional exercise price. Fractional shares will not be issued, as such any fractional shares will be rounded down.

¨The right to receive the Bonus Share Fraction will expire the earlier of (i) the first business day following the first 30 consecutive trading day period in which the daily volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the common stock is at least equal to a specified price (initially, $26.40) for at least 20 trading days and (ii) the date specified by the Offeror upon not less than 20 business days' notice.


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