1. market cap is relatively small
2. future P/E is not high; EBIT margin is pretty high compared with peers
3. 風口上
1. 有nvda在前
1. market cap is relatively small
2. future P/E is not high; EBIT margin is pretty high compared with peers
3. 風口上
1. 有nvda在前
• 當你看中一個股票的時候,它正在上升,就立即買,不要猶豫。上升趨勢的個股,你隻有一個機會買錯,那就是你恰恰買在最高點。 ---野牛--- ♂ (1299 bytes) () 02/05/2024 postreply 21:19:50
• 不要買,換手率非常大,你確定你能承受它的波動嘛 -霸天虎- ♂ (0 bytes) () 02/05/2024 postreply 22:34:39
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