The CBOE Equity Put/Call Ratio ($CPCE) and the CBOE Index Put/Call Ratio ($CPCI) are both Put-Call Ratios provided by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). Let’s explore their differences: CBOE Equity Put/Call Ratio ($CPCE): The CPCE represents the ratio of put volume to call volume for equity options. Equity options are typically associated with non-professional traders who often have a bullish bias. The CPCE usually trades below 1, indicating a preference for call options in the equity market. Covered call activity (volume) to generate income is common among non-professionals using equity options. In summary, the CPCE reflects the sentiment of individual investors in the equity market1. CBOE Index Put/Call Ratio ($CPCI): The CPCI represents the ratio of put volume to call volume for index options. Index options are more commonly used by professionals and institutions. While index options can be used for directional bets, they are also widely used for hedging. Institutions often buy puts to hedge against their long positions in the market. The CPCI usually trades above 1, indicating a bias toward put volume in the index options market. In summary, the CPCI reflects the sentiment of professional traders and institutions related to index options1. Remember that these ratios serve as sentiment indicators. When the Put-Call Ratio is relatively low, sentiment is considered excessively bullish, and when it is relatively high, sentiment is considered excessively bearish1.
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02/03/2024 postreply