What the hell is shelf offering? Do research

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People deeply talk about something they don't know! My god!
Advantages of Shelf Offerings

A shelf offering provides an issuing company with tight control over the process of offering new shares. It allows the company to control the shares' price by allowing the investment to manage the supply of its security in the market. A shelf offering also enables a company to save on the cost of registration with the SEC by not having to re-register each time it wants to release new shares.


If a company has a long term new security issuing plan, the process of shelf registration allows it to address multiple issues of a particular security within a single registration statement. This can be simpler to create and manage, since multiple filings are not required, lowering administrative costs for the business as a whole. Further, no maintenance requirements exist beyond standard reporting, because shelf registrations do not create an additional burden while they are waiting for issue.


shelf offering 本質還是增發,隻是在幾年時間內分幾次增發,股權還是被稀釋了 -投資抄底- 給 投資抄底 發送悄悄話 (81 bytes) () 02/28/2023 postreply 18:06:33



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