My old water heater is dead (leaking), got a new one (Rheem Performance Platinum 50 Gal) from Homedport and installed by their contractor.
After installation, the installer turned the heater on but found the heat backdrafts, which heat up the tank. He turned it off and told me the vent must be blocked by something and I need to find some chimney people to check the chimney. The Installer left with the heater off.
We live in very cold region. We thought it might be because the cold air stuck in the vent and heat from heater is not strong enough to push the cold air out. Talked with the installer about this possibility but he did not think so.
After the installer left, as a test, I used my electric blanket to warm up the vent pipe. Then used lighter to check and see the fire went up or down. Once I saw the fire went up, I tunred on the water heater, the vent works very well.
Now the problem is:
The company that scheduled the installation for us called me today and asked how everything is going with the water heater. I told the caller about the initial vent issue, how we solved it and now it works fine. Suprisingly, very soon after I hang up the phone, their "operation manager" called me and insisted that I need to find a professional chimney inpector to check the chimney, otherwise my warranty will be voided because I "did not follow installer's instruction to have the chimney checked".
1。這種情況我應該怎麽辦?必須得找人檢查 chimney 嗎?不檢查的話,真的會void the warranty 嗎?
2. Chimey Inspection 大概多少錢? 加clean up 另外再加錢嗎?
3. water heater 的 venting pipe 和chimney 是一回事嗎?檢查chimney 的人,會幫你檢查water heater的venting pipes 嗎?
我家的 heating and fireplace are working fine。不過在冷天給fireplace生火的時候,有時候剛開始點火那會會有一點點煙倒灌,但等火燃起來就好了。這也是為什麽我們會想到冷空氣的原因。