出租房,房客抱怨熱水器hot water heater每次啟動的時候make crazy noise whenever the boiler starts working, 5-6 times every day.
請問是一定要找HVAC technician維修嗎?還是有什麽簡單的辦法修理。
噪聲的視頻。 視頻拍的是打開furnace room門的時候聽到的噪音。
Furnace room比較暗,打開門後,hot water heater看上去是這樣的:
出租房,房客抱怨熱水器hot water heater每次啟動的時候make crazy noise whenever the boiler starts working, 5-6 times every day.
請問是一定要找HVAC technician維修嗎?還是有什麽簡單的辦法修理。
噪聲的視頻。 視頻拍的是打開furnace room門的時候聽到的噪音。
Furnace room比較暗,打開門後,hot water heater看上去是這樣的:
• u have a circulating pump on the heater. -borisg- ♂ (36 bytes) () 10/17/2024 postreply 03:46:40
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