有個房子七月剛lease出去,一家老墨,應該是二代,英語很好。老公是卡車司機,老婆清潔工,兩個女兒,老大在幼兒園上班,老二高中。老公掙7萬多,女兒掙三萬多,老婆可能也能掙個三萬多。老公信用590, 老婆信用680. 看房時兩口子恩愛的不行,我看看總收入夠了(房租2550),老婆信用還可以,就租給他們了。
今天老公發text給我說能不能把老婆的名字從lease上拿掉。下麵是他的text. 我咋回答啊。把他老婆的名字拿掉,他的信用分那麽低,和他女兒加起來收入也就可能10萬多。很擔心啊。現在淡季也完全不好找其他租客了。
To be honest with you we have not been together since after two weeks or so of moving in everything's been on me and I could take care of everything with no issues like I have been
She's getting her own place and she thinks being on this lease will affect her but I don't think it won't right??
Oldest daughter has a full time just in case you were weary about the income and what not..idk if you agent had added her to our total income don't believe so