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回答: 請教:有兩套公寓交給經紀人出租,poconodog2024-08-18 12:44:34

我估計FARE ACT年內就會通過。估計經紀行提前先把合同改了,省的最後兩邊不討好。你可以問一下經紀人是不是這麽回事。


June 11, 2024

New York is one of the only U.S. cities where tenants have to pay for a broker they did not hire. Those fees can range from one month’s rent up to 20% of the annual rent depending on the market. 


City Councilmember Chi Ossé (D-Brooklyn) is trying for the second time to change the way broker fees work in the city. The FARE (Fairness in Apartment Rentals) Act would require the person who hires the broker to pay their fee. 
