擼卡人生:how to bypass AMEX lifetime language pop-ups.

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看到下麵有同學問 how to bypass AMEX lifetime language pop-ups, 這個網上一大把教程, 其實就兩點。

1.  after you hit apply, and the next page you get a pop-up, hit back-page, and apply again, if you still getting it, stop here.

2. wait a day and try again, most likely you still going to get the same pop-up, but this time you want to open another browser page, and re-start a new application process, while keeping the original page open, the 2nd application page you should able to by-pass the pop-up, but because you submit the applications twice in the same day, AMEX computer will think you make a mistake and auto-cancel both applications.

3. you will need to take a snapshot of your last application page with the reference number, or from the AMEX sent to you, call AMEX's new card line, 800-567-1083, and give them your last application reference number, they going to tell you that you applied twice and you want to tell them you are canceling all but the last application, then they going to tell you that you still not qualify for the signup bonus since you have the card before, you want to tell them its ok you still want to push thru.

4. after you receive the new card, you go ahead and activate it, then use AMEX chat to verify the signup bonus is attached to the application, which it should, so Vola....

擼卡其實很簡單, 就是在5/24的前提下, 開越多的卡, 如果你已經有了AMEX 卡, AMEX基本上不會 hard pull your credit again.

以前AMEX也是only allowing you apply 1 card in every 90 days, 其實這個你可以90 天內再開一個同樣的卡, AMEX count it as 1.

 Of course, YMMV.


Wow, eye opening, thanks for sharing. -dan- 給 dan 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 08/03/2024 postreply 19:01:00

I am a bit confused, you have agreed that no sign up bonus o -memorylive- 給 memorylive 發送悄悄話 (74 bytes) () 08/03/2024 postreply 19:52:29

SUB(sign up bonus) attached to your application, has nothing -smlandlord- 給 smlandlord 發送悄悄話 smlandlord 的博客首頁 (276 bytes) () 08/03/2024 postreply 20:50:33
