謝謝。不用告我了 查到了 我發上來給其他朋友們也學學。不過不知寫啥好 選了三個星星加上去了

回答: 照片加水印。花飛絮2024-05-27 12:26:43
  1. First, you can open Photos and find the image to which you want to add a text watermark.
  2. Tap “Edit” to switch to iPhone’s photo editing page.
  3. Tap the pencil icon in the top right to open the Markup page of the Photos watermark adder.
  4. Then tap the “+” icon in the button right, and there will be a pop-up window.
  5. Choose “Text” and enter all the text that you want to use as the watermarks for a photo. By the way, you can change the text color and size by zooming in and out of the text bubble.
  6. Once you have watermarked photos as needed, you can tap “Done” to save your photos with text watermarks.