擼卡人生:AMEX award points to Virginatlantic 30% transfer bonus.

本帖於 2024-04-23 06:21:21 時間, 由普通用戶 smlandlord 編輯

AMEX started another round of transferring bonus to Virgin Atlantic, current offer is 30%.

Virgin points are somewhat valuable, as it can book delta/air France/KLM flights, both domestic and international.

Better yet, the Virgin website just reinstated the points redemption calendar again, so you can find flights 1000 times easier.

You can easily find RT flights to Paris in the fall, 24000 points + $300 ish in taxes, so if you do the conversion, you technically only spent 18500 points for a RT ticket in Econ.

I booked Delta flight from a small regional airport to Tokyo next month for 85000+$56, which translating into only 65k +$56 in Econ for a RT ticket, which normally $1500 in cash because I am flying out of a small local airport.

just got back from Paris/Athens/Santorini trip yesterday, it was a quick 9 day trip, Greece is a postcard picture perfect but overall still a pretty poor country.

this trip was booked with flyingblue(air France) points on Delta, RT 32000 pts + $212, at the time AMEX had a transfer bonus of 25% to flyingblue.

Hotels were booked thru Citi Thankyoupoints, at the time of booking, Citi offers $100 off every $500 of prepaid hotel, so avg night for 5 star hotels were around $250 a night, Citi TYP 1 points = 1 cents on redemption.

pic is from Santorini suite balcony




老大是精力旺盛,四海為家。 -alpha123- 給 alpha123 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/23/2024 postreply 13:52:24

謝謝分享 -happymom- 給 happymom 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 04/23/2024 postreply 22:03:13

佩服老大的旺盛精力,今年在老大的帶動下也試著擼了幾張卡,但是擼得焦頭爛額、暈頭轉向 :) -tiejiangye- 給 tiejiangye 發送悄悄話 tiejiangye 的博客首頁 (71 bytes) () 04/24/2024 postreply 19:32:01
