
回答: Safe Harbor 是Expense,不需要Recapturejenning2024-04-10 14:30:37

Jenning, 非常感謝你寶貴的時間和這麽專業資深的答複。

2024 年planning claim REPS+ Cost Seg;2023年租金收入低,盡量減少deduction, 免得suspend loss 太多.


Total Improvement expense $7000.

Try to use SHST safe harbor+ De Minimis safe harbor. 

Cost base this property: 310k-60k Land=250k; in service 10/2023; no rental income. 

Patial Flooring (50% of the home) $3000- use SHST safe harbor?
Partial home Paint(50% of the home) $3000-  repair or SHST?
Refrigerator $1000 Dominus safe harbor- SHST or De Minimis?
I think if Use SHST, Max deduction: 2% x 250k= $5000, but TurboTax seems let me put $3000 flooring + $3000 paint under SHST.  Please advise.


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