1. To Perform a Rollover or Not
I consider this to be the no-brainer aspect. A rollover into an IRA is simply much more valuable for the reasons we discussed.
2. Traditional IRA or Roth IRA
As discussed, the Roth IRA will grow tax-free for life, if you pay the taxes now on the principal.
3. Account Type To Utilize
Advisory: Professionally managed account with an annual fee of 1.7%. This is a nice “set it and forget it” account.
Rollover Annuity: Tied to the S&P 500 (or another market index) with zero fees. Your rollover amount is guaranteed. In other words, you can’t lose any money in this account. This also comes with a potential ceiling to growth.
我對他的推薦存疑,就自己網上看了一下。 發現一個關鍵點,資金的安全性。就是在被債權人討債或者破產的時候,哪些賬戶是安全的。,ERISA-qualified的賬戶包括HSA, 401k, pension, Social security. 但IRA裏的錢是不被保護的 . 所以大家在轉錢的時候要三思。雖然都有保險傘險啥的,那種被追債的可能性非常非常小,但萬一尼?這個考慮對嗎?