需要謹慎,single member LLC 給 single member發1099或者工資,不知道可以不可以啊。

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回答: 1099今天截止?秋天的山野2024-01-31 08:31:46


This approach could also be complex because you have to claim taxes as both the LLC owner and for your work as a contractor (as a sole proprietor or as the owner of a separate LLC). It might make sense if you’re a shareholder in an LLC that you don’t actively work for and want to provide occasional services, but it isn’t a common approach if you own and operate your LLC.

按理說,single member LLC的所有income都要交稅。但是rental property single member LLC的income是passive income,即使交稅也不能交社保稅。而且single member LLC是disregarded entity,不能自己給自己發工資。

另外,如果你和你配偶兩個人擁有這個LLC,在community property state(CA,WA,MI,AZ, LA etc 就是地名裏麵有西班牙或者法文的州)這個算作disregarded entity。在equitable distribution的州(大部分英殖民地和衍生州)這個算作partnership,是可以開工資發1099的。





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