地主關注:BILL 567

Senate Bill 567 (D-Wahab) significantly expands just cause eviction restrictions for “no-fault” evictions under state law. A “no fault” eviction is any eviction where the notice to terminate tenancy is not based on any alleged fault by the tenant.
Senate Bill 567 places strict limitations on owner move-ins, tenancy terminations for major remodel, and Ellis Act evictions. It also authorizes tenants and public agencies to file costly lawsuits against housing providers for any infractions.
The California State Assembly has scheduled SB 567 for a hearing in the Assembly Housing Committee.
Please call or submit a letter before Wednesday June 28th, to the following state legislators:
NOTE: If you live in these legislators' area and have already received this email this morning, please disregard.
- Chair Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) / 916-319-2014 / Assemblymember.wicks@assembly.ca.gov
- Wendy Carillo (D-LA) / 916-319-2052 / Assemblymember.carillo@assembly.ca.gov
- Jesse Gabriel (D-LA) / 916-319-2046 / Assemblymember.gabriel@assembly.ca.gov
- Joe Patterson (R-Granite Bay) / 916-319-2005 / Assemblymember.joepatterson@assembly.ca.gov
- Sharon Quirk Silva (D-OC) / 916-319-2067 / Assemblymember.quirk-silva@assembly.ca.gov
- Kate Sanchez (R-OC) / 916-319-2071 / Assemblymember.sanchez@assembly.ca.gov
- Chris Ward (D-San Diego) / 916-319-2078 / Assemblymember.ward@assembly.ca.gov
We need your help to stop this bill from becoming law. Contact your representative in the California State Assembly and urge them to VOTE NO on Senate Bill 567.


