剛讀完 One Minute Entrepreneur, 作者是Ken Blanchard, Don Huston 和 Ethan Willis. 這真的是一本很好的關於創業的好書,充滿簡明、可操作性強的小智慧。 書很薄,隻有139頁,很快就能讀完。何況這本書本身還很有趣、易懂,用故事的形式講述一個年輕人求學、找工作、創業和把公司做大的過程。作者的另一本書One Minute Management高居NYT暢銷書榜,應該也很值得一讀。
- Always associate with people you admire and can learn from.
- You'll be the same year after year except for the people you meet and the books you read.
- Take care of your numbers and your numbers will take care of you.
- (If you make enough calls, you'll make some sales.)
- Always visualize your desired outcome ahead of time.
- On passion: 1) Ambition is the fuel that can drive life-changing events. 2) If nobody will pay you to do what you love, you have a hobby, not a career.
- You only need to do four things to be a successful entrepreneur:
1) Your sales have to exceed expenses.
2) Collect your bill in time.
3) Take care of your customers.
4) Take care of your people.