Sell auto parts in US.
1. Head lamp for Honda(Civic and Accord), toyota, ford(F150) and Chevy(Silvador)...
2. break disk and pad
3. break caliber repaire kits.
Sell auto parts in US.
1. Head lamp for Honda(Civic and Accord), toyota, ford(F150) and Chevy(Silvador)...
2. break disk and pad
3. break caliber repaire kits.
• 應該不錯.就是要開店要有SERVICE,要有WANRANTY,不然美國人不喜歡中國來的東西,便宜也不敢買. -pretty_woman2- ♀ (26 bytes) () 04/06/2011 postreply 11:25:58
• 回複:回複:你是說在美國幫助賣還是幫助買?什麽一類的auto parts? 具體是什麽? -觀馨- ♀ (53 bytes) () 04/06/2011 postreply 22:53:04
• 那可絕對不是件簡單的事,你首先得跟DEALER打聽一下,你代表國內廠家? -鷹過留痕- ♀ (0 bytes) () 04/07/2011 postreply 07:48:44
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