2011年一月一日開始,山姆大叔要求用paypal的小老板們交稅了,年收總帳超過2萬和200以上人付款的賣家,要求提供Social Security number或federal tax ID number。 我年入帳超過4萬,稅是免不了的啦。
1。 在國內向世界各地發貨,用US paypal收款也要向山姆大叔交稅嗎? 之所以問是因為銷售行為在中國發生,為什麽要向美國交稅呢,若中國也要交稅,兩國的稅都交,那不虧大啦。
2。 是不是要在美國或中國注冊一個公司會好些,起碼有些優匯政策吧?
付paypal 原文:
Starting in 2011, all U.S. payment providers including PayPal will be required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to report sales information to the IRS about certain customers who receive payments for the sale of goods or services through PayPal. We want to help you understand these changes.
- Applies to sellers receiving over $20,000 in gross payment volume AND over 200 payments
- Applies only for sales on or after January 1, 2011