回複:貴和便宜是相對的, 要視飯店的具體贏利情況而定

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should be able to get the 50k deposit back but we haven't propose the contract yet. So there might be footnotes prevent a full refund.
Can you tell me how to find recent deals and rents for nearby restaurants?
The current fro-sale business is very slow, only 4-5 tables(2-4 person per table) during lunch, and dinner is not much that that. I bet they only have 20-30k sales per month and don't think they in the profit. So the current owner is considering adding buffet at lunch and seeking buyers now. It's byt he university with over 40k students and over 10k staff, so there is a market but I also see business close and reopen often in some sites. So I think good niche would survive and maybe grow fast, while bad one can close door in a year.
There are two established Chinese restaurants there so unless a new Chinese shop are better, they are hard to compete with the first two. Sushi might be different, since there is only one other small sushi shop but not as close as this location to the people.

