
來源: 小小女人 2010-01-09 09:25:17 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (1952 bytes)
周三晚上在Ebay上bid成功一些銀幣,周四付的款(24小時之內),後來周四銀價上揚,結果周四收到賣家留言說給我打了2次電話我沒有接(他並沒有給我電話留言),他又急需用錢,就把東西賣給了另外一個買家,並且返還了我的付款。這種情況下,我拒絕了退款,因為我覺得主要原因是因為銀價上漲,賣家覺得虧了所以不甘心原來的價格。 但是ebay上顯示case is closed. 下麵附上我給賣家的留言和賣家給我的答複。第一次在ebay上遇到這樣的賣家,我本來也是新手,請問我就隻能得到退款沒有別的辦法了嗎?甚至沒有辦法給賣家留差評?提前謝謝各位達人的幫助。

If you "had to" sell immediately then first you should have placed a time limit for payment, of which there was none. I pay promptly within 24 hours unless specified, and as you see, my feedback indicates prompt and responsible payments.
Secondly, you claimed you called but left no message so I have no way of knowing who the caller was and what the caller wanted. It seems to me that if you were in dire need, you would have at least given me the heads-up to respond.
Perhaps you felt my winning bid was too low for your needs, however it matters little since I am the winning bidder.

Since you have breached the Seller Terms, I would at least expect my winning auction, which means if you have to purchase elsewhere and honor your sale, then so be it.
I have declined the retraction and therefore would like what I had won per the Terms and Conditions set forth by Ebay.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

I did not breach anything. I talked to ebay. I told them my scenario. I called you twice yesterday. You won something, you didn't pay for it right away. Bottom line. And I asked ebay incase you might be upset (like you apparently are) if you leave me a negative feedback, they will remove it. The willing bid was fine, I just took a loss and took a little less.

They didn't have a problem with it and neither do I.


如果 Listing 說明了 要馬上付款,你就沒有辦法了 -三裏店- 給 三裏店 發送悄悄話 三裏店 的博客首頁 (97 bytes) () 01/09/2010 postreply 10:04:41

回複:如果 Listing 說明了 要馬上付款,你就沒有辦法了 -小小女人- 給 小小女人 發送悄悄話 (78 bytes) () 01/09/2010 postreply 10:12:51

你以為就你在炒銀幣,漲了就要? 賣家當然不是傻瓜.BTW幾年以前這個炒法很賺錢的 -WaYcool- 給 WaYcool 發送悄悄話 WaYcool 的博客首頁 (43 bytes) () 01/09/2010 postreply 11:52:48

我隻是收集,而且按時付款,跟漲了就要沒有關係。而且按照正常程序bid。 -小小女人- 給 小小女人 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2010 postreply 12:37:02

人家既然已經全額退款給你了,你也沒損失,就不要在窮追猛打了。 -幸福花開- 給 幸福花開 發送悄悄話 (367 bytes) () 01/09/2010 postreply 21:09:03



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