
回答: 這樣做還有一個壞處caliber2009-02-28 16:35:11

but I still think the risk of doing so significantly outweighs the benefit.

the only time this record would be useful is in US, when there is a priority dispute, which happens rather rarely. Every other country around the world uses "first to file" system, except in US, which uses a "first to invent" system. If there is such a priority dispute, you can bet top dollar that the opposing lawyers would come up with multiple creative arguments to tie this thing to a "public use" bar. with specific facts of the case, the connection between the record and a "public use bar" is not so far fetched. All they need is some other mistakes made by the inventor to tie the two together.

there are better ways to substantiate the claim during a priority dispute. why take the risk?
