
來源: PublicReport 2023-06-07 12:46:48 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (3720 bytes)

Shakespeare in Love 最後一場戲。

女皇登車離開後,Viola 奉旨去劇場後台與莎士比亞告別。心知Viola 馬上要遠航美洲,莎士比亞萬念俱灰,對Viola 的言辭亦不甚友善。在 Viola 耐心的開導下,在兩人重歸於好中,莎士比亞動筆下一步話劇,"第十二夜";  Viola 則轉身登船,航向 Jamestown, Virginia.  以下是這一電影片段的部分對話和視頻。


莎士比亞: My Lady Wessex. ( Wessex 勳爵夫人)

Voila:  A hired player no longer. Fifty pounds, Will, for the poet of true love. (Will, 這是你描寫真實愛情的詩掙來的50英鎊,你不用再為錢演戲了)

莎士比亞: l'm done with theater, the playhouse is for dreamers. Look what the dream brought us(我不會再與劇院有關了,它們是異想天開的人們去所, 看看我們異想天開的下場)

Viola: lt was we ourselves did that. And for my life to come, l would not have it otherwise. (我們自願的。我未來的日子裏,我還會這麽做)

莎士比亞: l have hurt you, and l'm sorry for it. (這麽傷害你,我很難過)

Viola: lf my hurt is to be that you write no more, then l shall be the sorrier. (如果我受到的傷害是你就此罷筆,那我會比你還難過)

Viola: The queen commands a comedy, Will, for Twelfth Night.(女皇要你寫個喜劇,慶祝第十二夜)

莎士比亞:   A comedy,  What would my hero be ?  The saddest wretch in all the kingdom, sick with love ?(喜劇, 劇中的英雄是什麽?人間最悲催的人,因愛生厭?)

Viola: lt's a beginning. Let him be a duke, and your heroine-- (那隻是開始。他貴為公爵,女主角...)

莎士比亞: Sold in marriage,and halfway to America. (卷入一場交易婚姻,在去美洲的路上)

Viola:  At sea, then,A voyage to a new world. (那是在海上,一個通向新世界的航行)

莎士比亞: A storm. All are lost (遇上了一場風暴,一切都沉沒了)

Viola: She lands... on a...vast and empty shore. She's brought to the duke--Orsino.(她登上了一片廣闊無垠的海灘,被帶去見了公爵..Orsino)

莎士比亞:Orsino ? Good name (Orsino? 不錯的名字)

Viola: But fearful of her virtue, she comes to him dressed as a boy. (但害怕暴露真實身份,她女扮男裝)

莎士比亞: And thus is unable to declare her love.(因此無法表露她的愛)

Viola:But all ends well.(但結果圓滿)

莎士比亞: How does it? (怎麽會呢?)

Viola:I don't know. lt's a mystery. (不知道,那是個迷)





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