至少有這些. 各有千秋, 對道的理解, 各有側重.
Wandering at Ease
Frederic Henry Balfour,1846—1909
Transcendental Bliss
Herbert Allen Giles,1845—1935
Enyoyment in Untroubled Ease
James Legge,1815—1897
Excursions into Freedom
Ernest Richard Hughes,1883—1956
Free and Easy Wandering
Burton Watson,1925—2017
Thomas Cleary
Wandering Boundless and Free
David Hinton
Wandering Where You Will
Wandering in Absolute Freedom
Carefree Wandering
Victor H. Mair
The Happy Excursion
Feng Yu-lan,1895—1990
A Happy Excursion
Happy Wandering
Let Fancy Roam
James R. Ware,1901—1977
Going Rambling Without a Destination
Angus Charles Graham,1919—1991
Soaring and Roaming
Aimlessly tread the path of Inaction by its side,or vacantly lie dreaming beneath it
Arthur Waley
Towards the Ideal
Leon Wieger,1856—1933
Free Flight into Transcendence
Julian F. Pas,1929—2000
Journey to the Realm of Transcendence
Michael Saso
The Transcendental Happiness Walk
Robert E. Allinson
Wandering Freely
賢·霍斯曼(Hyun HÖchsmann)和楊國榮
Wandering Far and Unfettered
任博克(Brook Ziporyn)
The Way of Free and Easy Wandering
索拉拉·托勒(Solala Towler)