奧威爾在寫這段悲慘經曆的時候,仍然時見幽默。比如他和一些外國人被圍困在涉外高檔酒店裏麵,外援斷絕,但是酒店的酒窖裏麵藏有葡萄酒。這些“體麵”的外國人在一個封閉的係統內,仍然遵循市場經濟公平買賣的結果就是We were drinking older and older wines at higher and higher prices. 大家是先買便宜的酒開始喝,便宜的酒喝光了,再開始買貴一點的酒……
奧威爾夫婦在巴塞羅那最後的日子裏,第一次有空看了高迪的聖家族教堂。他是這麽寫的:I went to have a look at the cathedral – a modern cathedral, and one of the most hideous buildings in the world. It has four crenellated spires exactly the shape of hock bottles. Unlike most of the churches in Barcelona it was not damaged during the revolution – it was spared because of its ‘artistic value’, people said. I think the Anarchists showed bad taste in not blowing it up when they had the chance.
在西班牙,奧威爾深刻領教了媒體顛倒黑白的強大力量,這也成為他今後創作的啟發和源泉。…were manufactured by journalists at a distance, and were not only inaccurate in their facts but intentionally misleading. As usual, only one side of the question has been allowed to get to the wider public. 奧威爾的哀嚎和今日美國屁民的怨恨何其相似?