Burgess 《Earthly Powers》裏曾“設想”一出描寫第一次尼西亞會議的歌劇

回答: 基督教的分家史木有文化2022-04-27 09:51:40


Arius the heretic... sexily proclaimed his heresy. The Son was not coeternal with the Father. The Son was a created being, though far surpassing all others. Tell the world that Father and Son possessed the same substance and you would be encouraging it to believe in two Gods. Homoousis homoousis, chanted the bishops, onesubstance onesubstance.



sexily。確實,據說Arius風采過人,非常charismatic -木有文化- 給 木有文化 發送悄悄話 木有文化 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/27/2022 postreply 10:47:31

好像說他作為幼童就迷倒一大批 -donau- 給 donau 發送悄悄話 donau 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/27/2022 postreply 12:15:02
