
本文內容已被 [ northAmericaCW ] 在 2010-11-13 08:17:19 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.
回答: 小時候的事情玉壘關2010-11-09 10:35:07

Oh, my gosh! "抽得我渾身的血條" like treat prisoners in GUO MIN DANG jail. I am same generation as you. Now I know why I love my dad so much. Also understand why my oldest sis never get along with mom. I am youngest one, never being treated bad, rather full of care and proud from Dad, but Mom often beated oldest stubborn sis. Dad was always nice to any boy or girls. Sometime I couldn't understand why sis doesn't love Mom as I do, always blame her not treat Mom well. I guess it was too brutal for her being beated so hard by own mother or father.
