
來源: lep 2011-04-20 19:07:23 [] [博客] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (8078 bytes)

1.  吃有營養的食物,少吃垃圾食品

I plan to include the eight best foods to eat every day in my regular diet.  However, I’m also going to look for other foods that have high nutritional value.  I want to avoid foods that are fatty and contribute to heart disease.  I also want to control my calorie intake.  I don’t want to get crazy, but I do want to feed my body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

2.  鍛煉保持我們的心髒和肢體的強壯

Mainly, I ride a stationary bike 4 to 5 times per week for about 20 to 25 minutes per session for good cardiovascular health.  However, I need to add some upper body strength training to my routine.  Staying strong is important as one grows older.  My wife has found that Wii Fit is a great addition to a physical fitness plan

3.  讀各種各樣的好書使我們了解世界

Reading is a very easy thing for me to do because I enjoy it immensely.  The good news is that there are a number of benefits we derive from reading books.  Primarily, it helps us to keep our minds sharp and to stay abreast of the latest trends.  If you are looking for examples of what to read, I highlight a lot of great books in my Resources for Super-Charged Living and also in 5 Incredible Books That Changed My Life.

4.  對事對人保持正麵和熱忱的態度

It is common to hear that people grow old and bitter.  I definitely want to avoid this.  I believe our thoughts have incredible power over our lives.  Henry Ford said, “Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.”  I want to keep my attitude positive and enthusiastic as I grow older.  I believe this will afford me the best life possible.

5.  參加孩子和年輕人的活動

One powerful way to keep feeling young is to surround yourself with young people.  Their energy, enthusiasm and liveliness tends to be infectious.  I know that my two young daughters help to keep my wife and I moving.  The activities we engage in as a family and with other young families are good exercise and feed our minds the message that we are young and active.

6.  多從事戶外活動

Nature is rejuvenating.  When you are outside, you are naturally active.  Sitting down and becoming a couch potato is the quickest way to grow old fast.  Your body and your mind deteriorate when they are idle.  Fresh air, sunshine and the sounds of nature are stimulating.  One of my favorite things to do outdoors is go for an invigorating hike.

7.  開拓自己的幽默

There are some really amazing health benefits to laughing more often.  I think we have to work to cultivate our sense of humor throughout our lives.  Being witty is an important part of being charming and charming people build more relationships.  Laughing and having supportive relationships are two essential ways to beat stress which is a major factor in aging.

8.  發現和發展自己的愛好使自己能不斷地學習

Hobbies help us to stay mentally and physically active.  One day I hope to start a saltwater aquarium.  I love the ocean and diving so this is a way that I can bring a piece of it home with me to admire daily.  The desire to learn new things is an essential part of staying mentally sharp.  As an added bonus, you may be able to generate some extra income from your hobbies.

9.  學會每天感恩

Practicing gratitude is very important to me.  Reminding ourselves of all that we have to be thankful for helps to make us happy and keep us positive.  I believe gratitude is important no matter what your age, but as we grow older it helps us to remember how rich and fulfilling of a life we truly have.  Practicing gratitude helps us to maintain the proper mental attitude which directly impacts our physical health as well.

10. 幫助和鼓舞別人使我們有價值

A great way to feel useful and significant is to share your wisdom and experience with others.  Knowing that you still have value and can contribute in a positive way to the life of others really helps one to stay young.  Many people greatly underestimate their value as they age.  Getting involved in teaching people a useful skill, hobby or concept is a fantastic way to feel young.

11. 做一些富有挑戰性的工作

As we grow older, we often become more conservative and less willing to take risks.  We need to continually push ourselves outside our comfort zone in order to fight becoming stagnate.  The best way to overcome fear is to plow right through it!  Think about starting your own business or learning to scuba dive or traveling to Europe.  One or more of these will help you to feel young and alive!

12.  繼續探索我們有生命的生活使它更加圓滿

For me, I know that living life to the fullest is a life-long quest.  It is something that I will never give up on.  I also know that it will help me to stay young at heart.  It pushes me to test the boundaries and to follow my sense of curiosity.  Life certainly doesn’t end when you reach 40, 50, 60, 70 or even 80!  Many people have accomplished amazing things late in life.  Growing older is inevitable, but we can never stop living!          ZT 

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    很不錯的建議,謝謝分享。 -成長- 給 成長 發送悄悄話 成長 的博客首頁 (187 bytes) () 04/20/2011 postreply 19:13:17

    謝謝。 -加州花坊- 給 加州花坊 發送悄悄話 加州花坊 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/20/2011 postreply 19:45:44

    好方法,俺希望大家實踐以後給常青提供幽趣兒的應用案例,又健康,又活潑。 謝謝分享。 -苗青青- 給 苗青青 發送悄悄話 苗青青 的博客首頁 (0 bytes) () 04/21/2011 postreply 03:02:13



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