Met some nice seniors recently

本文內容已被 [ 林依 ] 在 2010-03-02 12:25:33 編輯過。如有問題,請報告版主或論壇管理刪除.

In the subway, after work today, I met a group of seniors, all white men. I chatted with them. One of them is 93 but looked like in his 60's, tall and slim. He still skies and plays tennis. The rest of the group are all above 80. They were on their way to University where they are studying history.

Last Saturday, I ran into a 99 years old lady. She is still alert and lives independently. She was with her grandson who was around 50.

A couple of weeks ago, again in the subway, I met a group of Chinese seniors. The leader was 71 and very fit. He still swims, cycles and does gardening and fishing. He took the rest of group, all over 60, to places all over the city. They asked about my family and myself and commented that I should be getting stronger. They called me 'Gu Niang' (vs 'Lao' woman elsewhere) which was very heartwarming.

I hope I live long and healthy and have a group of good friends at old age...

