感謝主,給大家作一個見證。感恩節後,回公司上班的第一天, 自然的,同事們彼此問候,打聽各自是怎麽過感恩節的。 下麵的這個email,是我送給公司同事的,向他們作見證 - 在感恩節裏,神是怎麽保護我的:
Dear All:
I hope everyone of you had a GREAT Thanksgiving holiday with your family!
I had a busy and great Thanksgiving, too. As usual, I spent most of my time with my church friends, but my husband and I did go to the Natural Bridge State Beach in Santa Cruz last Thursday, and ate the traditional turkey meal in the downtown area. We had a wonderful time there.
My laptop was broken several months ago, and I was waiting for the Black Friday deals patiently. Yeah, we rushed into the Best Buy almost the Black Friday Eve, and of course there was full of people in the store. We finally bought a HP laptop for the price of $399 (with a $100 discount). /::D
However, I almost got a severe injury on Saturday noon. I didn’t pay attention to the wet floor in my bathroom at the time, and suddenly fell down and my body and head hit the glass shower door. Therefore, my legs were outside of the shower room, and my upper body, including my head, was inside of the shower room. The glass shower door was broken in pieces everywhere!!! OMG! Nobody was at home at that moment, and my clothes all got wet. I was lying there, and BURIED with the pieces of glasses. I grinded my teeth, and finally held on my bathroom doorknobs with all my strength, and stood up from the floor. Then I checked my body carefully and surprisingly found the shining glasses were all over my body and my hair. However, there were NO any bleeding NOR scratches on my skin at all!!! Was this amazing? Half of an hour later, I went to our fellowship prayer meeting as usual, and over there I found a very tinny piece of glass was still on my face, and just right near my eye corner, but I was VERY fine! Yes, during the accident, I was saved by my God and protected by the angels!
我們公司的大多數人都不信主, 這是我送給他們的關於神搭救我的見證。他們知道後, 都很震驚我的這個事故。我告訴他們,當我終於爬起來後, 打量著鏡子中的自己,亮閃閃的玻璃渣,好像大大小小的鑽石那樣, 綴滿了我的頭發。 大家都驚訝,在這種情況下,我竟然身上一點傷都沒有。 有位曾經有類似經曆的同事在她的email裏這樣地回複:
Julia --- OH my goodness – YIKES! I am just reading this and am SO worried about you and that horrible fall. Yes, Yes, that teaches us to always say our prayers…no matter where we are! In church, at meal time grace, or in the BATHROOM!!!!
You are one fortunate person not to have that glass within your body, because it can stick and hang on to everything! I have been around broken glass before and kept finding little bits for months later! So, continue to be careful. But, you did have a pleasant Thanksgiving Day with your sweetie and got a great purchase, too! So, good luck is following you despite the fall.
您知道麽,我的這個同事根本不是一個基督徒,卻說,通過這件事, 她認識到無論在哪裏,在教會,在飯桌,或在洗手間裏, 我們禱告的重要性!
她承認,我是何等的幸運,因為,在她的那次事故中, 她告訴我,她花了數月的時間,請醫生把每一個小玻璃渣從身體裏剔出來。 你可以想象麽,這是怎樣的一種痛苦與折磨啊?!
親愛的弟兄姊妹們,作為神的兒女,我們是何等有福, 主在我們身上有著一種特殊的保護和特別的恩寵,正如詩篇121: 4-8裏所說:
“保護以色列的,也不打盹也不睡覺。 保護你的是耶和華; 耶和華在你右邊蔭庇你。 白日,太陽必不傷你;夜間,月亮必不害你。耶和華要保護你, 免受一切的災害;他要保護你的性命。 你出你入, 耶和華要保護你,從今時直到永遠。”
Dear All:
I hope everyone of you had a GREAT Thanksgiving holiday with your family!
I had a busy and great Thanksgiving, too. As usual, I spent most of my time with my church friends, but my husband and I did go to the Natural Bridge State
My laptop was broken several months ago, and I was waiting for the Black Friday deals patiently. Yeah, we rushed into the Best Buy almost the Black Friday Eve, and of course there was full of people in the store. We finally bought a HP laptop for the price of $399 (with a $100 discount). /::D
However, I almost got a severe injury on Saturday noon. I didn’t pay attention to the wet floor in my bathroom at the time, and suddenly fell down and my body and head hit the glass shower door. Therefore, my legs were outside of the shower room, and my upper body, including my head, was inside of the shower room. The glass shower door was broken in pieces everywhere!!! OMG! Nobody was at home at that moment, and my clothes all got wet. I was lying there, and BURIED with the pieces of glasses. I grinded my teeth, and finally held on my bathroom doorknobs with all my strength, and stood up from the floor. Then I checked my body carefully and surprisingly found the shining glasses were all over my body and my hair. However, there were NO any bleeding NOR scratches on my skin at all!!! Was this amazing? Half of an hour later, I went to our fellowship prayer meeting as usual, and over there I found a very tinny piece of glass was still on my face, and just right near my eye corner, but I was VERY fine! Yes, during the accident, I was saved by my God and protected by the angels!
Julia --- OH my goodness – YIKES! I am just reading this and am SO worried about you and that horrible fall. Yes, Yes, that teaches us to always say our prayers…no matter where we are! In church, at meal time grace, or in the BATHROOM!!!!
You are one fortunate person not to have that glass within your body, because it can stick and hang on to everything! I have been around broken glass before and kept finding little bits for months later! So, continue to be careful. But, you did have a pleasant Thanksgiving Day with your sweetie and got a great purchase, too! So, good luck is following you despite the fall.
“保護以色列的,也不打盹也不睡覺。 保護你的是耶和華;
我的公司是我的宣教工場,在這裏,不光是為了賺錢糊口, 最重要的是,神把我們放在職場裏, 是要借著我們來改變職場裏的屬靈空氣。我每天找機會地講耶穌!