回複:Yahoo email

I found the msg in Yahoo. But it does not tell how to do it.

Photos (JPEG format only) can be either inserted into or attached to a message. Inserting photos places small ("thumbnail") versions of the photos directly into the body of the message and then links the thumbnails to the full resolution photos which get uploaded online to Yahoo! Photos. Because the thumbnails are very small in size (typically on the order of 2K) this allows the message to stay small. In addition, the PhotoMail message border is added to the message and various editing (layout, rotate, borders, captions) is possible. Attaching a photo takes the full resolution photo and adds it as a standard attachment to the message. Because full resolution photos are often quite large, it is possible to send many more photos in a single message by inserting them than by attaching them. Inserting/PhotoMails are denoted by the icon and attaching/attachments are denoted by the icon .
What do you think of PhotoMail? Send us feedback.
