It is very possible that you didn't load the driver for the ethernet card. Find out the name of the proper kernel module for the card from your 2.2.20 kernel and then use "modprobe" or "insmod" to load it for kernel 2.4.18.
I guess you are using Debian 3.0 (Woddy). You should choose the right CD to install a 2.4 kernel at the begainning. If you burn everything into CDs, there are totally 8 CDs. Using the first one to setup you'll get 2.2 kernel installed; Instead, you should use the third CD to install 2.4 kernel by default.
Anyway, I'll recommend you to use Ubuntu, which is based on Debian. One i386 platforms, Ubuntu has all good points of Debian remained and all bad things fixed, in my opinion. The latest version is 5.04, with 2.6 kernel.
Or you can install a Debian base system and then do a system upgrade to Sarge or sid. This sort of things is very easy on Debain-based distros.