回複:LINUX 安裝問題!急

I guess it could be because of the SATA controller. The typical PC install uses IDE drivers. The device name in UNIX for the former is something like /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, ...; while for the latter is sth like /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, ...
It is likely that the SuSE automatical partition installation procedure assumes you use IDE hard driver. In this case you should manually create the partition during the linux install (then you have a chance to tell the installer your device is /dev/sda1 or so).

It could be because of something else.

General advices for you are:

1. WXC is not a proper site to ask this sorts of questions, better try some site dedicate to linux, for example, www.linuxfans.org, www.linuxaid.com.cn, etc;
2. When you ask for help, please clearly describe your problems / error messages / procedures to re-appear the error . Otherwise a complaint like " 結果它說找不到硬盤" is not quite helpful.
3. Linux is a much finer OS than the M$ winblows, but it is not for just-give-me-food people. For them, it is better just take what is served in a restaurant.
