1. You can use Yahoo's "My Briefcase" (30M free) to transfer the files there and pull down from home PC.
2. Find or setup a FTP server, then FTP files to that server (your company's firewall may block the FTP operation).
3. If the company's PC is a desktop or tower, it is very easy to replace the CD ROM with a CDRW using a screwdriver, and change it back when the CD is done.
4. Bring a laptop to your company and plug into the company's network, set a shared folder on it. The link your company PC to your laptop, done!
There is a will there is a way
• 謝派兄!30兆太小,FTP被堵,私人本本不能聯網,偷梁換柱保 -安找麻煩,鬥膽一試吧- ♀ (0 bytes) () 01/28/2005 postreply 16:06:57
• 三十六計還沒用完呢... -3.1416- ♀ (233 bytes) () 01/28/2005 postreply 18:24:32
• 36. 走為上!我靠,知我者派兄!俺也是這個意思,正尋覓呢! -一幫膽小如鼠的主管!- ♀ (0 bytes) () 01/28/2005 postreply 19:05:16