進入OE 的 TOOLS/OPTIONS/ 點擊SECURITY標簽, 把下麵這項勾消(不要選擇中): do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.
不過這幾天聽說圖片病毒鬧的正有勁. 如果是生人發來的東西還是小心一點.
進入OE 的 TOOLS/OPTIONS/ 點擊SECURITY標簽, 把下麵這項勾消(不要選擇中): do not allow attachments to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus.
不過這幾天聽說圖片病毒鬧的正有勁. 如果是生人發來的東西還是小心一點.
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