
來源: kf_ying 2003-09-04 08:09:00 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (576 bytes)
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回答: how to make a start up floppykf_ying2003-09-03 21:44:00
the jumper setting is right. HD is the master and CDROM is the slave. since the pc was working OK before I tried to update win2000 at microsoft site, the jumper shouldn't have problem. I also tried the following:
1. set the CDROM to be master and HD to be slave
2. connect the bus only to CDROM or HD

but neither work, the pc just can't detect the HD and CDROM. I also used the IDE HDD AUTO DETECTION in the SETUP, it can't detect anything.

can you tell me how to make the start up disk in win2000 so I can try to boot from floppy drive?
thanks so much!



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