That's very funny!

來源: CutOnce 2004-08-05 11:09:47 [] [舊帖] [給我悄悄話] 本文已被閱讀: 次 (2006 bytes)
回答: It's not JavaScript itself!CutOnce2004-08-04 14:38:20
>> show up ugly in FireFox and the olders versions.
So what? Isn't IE free and I can open it when I really have to (such as WindowsUpdate) but keep using Firefox the rest of time. FireFox at pre-relase stage v0.92 is already doing a lot better than IE 6. The only time I use IE is WindowsUpdate, Microsoft web sites and some very IE friendly Chinese web sites. Most web sites are multiple browsers friendly -- by following web standards.

>> Don't blame MS for everything. Read your own post:
Did I? How come? I'm a Microsoft solution developer! That doesn't mean I have kiss every Microsoft product! Some are great, some are not so!

>> 1) first you called MS stuff as "coined", why? Do you call Firefox's technologies "coined"?
"Coin" is at best a neutural word if my English knowledge serves me right. Your understanding might be interesting though.

>> 2) Then you say "great minds..." after the fact about MS manager. Hey, he is from MS, how can he be great?!!
"Great minds..." does NOT mean "Great minds at Microsoft ...". Get it?

>> -- Calling names on others doesn't make yourself a little bit smarter. :) So stop being that way. Face life.
It only means "Great minds think alike" no matter who they are and what companys they work for. You are insulting more than few people who put quotes in their books and email signatures. So stop being that way.

Do I have "no-IE" as my nickname? Your nick name shows you're more hostile to some products than I do. Well, get a life! Hahaha!!!

Do you know when IE 6 was first released? (long long time ago)
Do you know why MS did nothing to IE 6 while upgrade something else more complicated every year?

In case you don't know, MS wants to lock down client platform on Windows forever! Improving IE 6 will simply make it too obvious that a good web browser makes Windows less important to client users. Just check out at some new proposals at W3C.


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