Now, I am confused.

Thank you very much. I have asked the same question before. I can not start it now. When I turn on the power, there are several numbers including 00163, 00192 and 00173 on the screen with two long du. Then the date (very big font) is showed on the screen. After I restart the computer, only 192 on the screen (in the middle) and a symbol seems let me to read the mannul. I can not go furter. I just guess it is because of CMOS battery. You said it can start without CMOS battery, so I feel confused again. Would you please help me to tell what the reason is? Thanks again.


Please read here. -PC高手!!!!!!- 給 PC高手!!!!!! 發送悄悄話 (268 bytes) () 08/01/2004 postreply 18:14:52
