回複:satellite Finder software (圖)

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This is a guide for setting up my theatre and some of the files needed.
Hopefully can get you up and running.

I run Mytheatre 3.12 with a nexus s and use dual legacy lnb's on a dish 500, not lnb's with a built in switch.

The diseqc switch I use is a spacelab 2x1 or you can use a 4x1.

I don't claim this guide is perfect, but should help.

Guide to Setting Up MyTheatre

I have personal experience with myTheatre, for any of the DVBCore programs to work with the plugins (including myTheatre), you need a program called MDWrapper. MD Wrapper can be found here:

Having used myTheatre, I can personally verify that these instructions will work.

Not everything here will apply to everyones set up, so please use whatever sections of this that are pertinent to your setup.

I am going to ***ume that you already have the DVB Card installed and that the drivers are also installed.

Step 1: Check and see if you have any other DVB Software currently installed on your computer if you do uninstall it (some programs load into memory at startup and can conflict with your DVB Card IE: WinDVB, some others will also cause problems so the best idea is to get rid of everything and start fresh) Another good idea is to check to see how many programs are autoloading at windows startup, check and see if your CPU is marginal and you have a lot running automatically (IE: MSN, ICQ, Some Video Utilities) it will affect how well your system will run MyTheater and whether or not it freezes on you.
???: ????????????????DVB??,?????,???.
Step 2: Install MyTheater (Install everything, make sure all the boxes are checked) when it asks you if you want an interlaced or de-interlaced picture select interlaced, the next thing that you will have to answer is about audio output, select 2 speaker output, you can change it later.
???: ??MyTheater,???????"interlaced picture(??????)".?????"2 speaker output".
Once MyTheater is installed you can upgrade the Yankse package by unzipping the file to a location of your choice. Once you have unzipped the file find the following two files Yankse.dll and Yankse.ini you will have to copy these files to C:\Program Files\MyTheatre\MDPlugins, or to wherever you installed MyTheater. By the way you will want the Yankse.dll file version 1.2.3 and the Yankse.ini file for windows XP.

The next thing you need is the SoftCam.Key file, copy it to the same directory as you copied Yankse to.

Cut below and paste into notepad and save as softcam.key.

; In case you have trouble (wrong key and you're sure that the key is right)
; try removing the verify key (key number 80)
;=== Nagravision ===
N 4001 00 F8090C80FF6A3D91;ViaDigital;
N 4001 01 D04DDD78AADA2178;ViaDigital;
N 4001 80 75F9892275E07FE1;ViaDigital;

N 4101 00 F8090C80FF6A3D91;ViaDigital;
N 4101 01 D04DDD78AADA2178;ViaDigital;
N 4101 80 75F9892275E07FE1;ViaDigital;
N 4801 00 853ADDB53AEE45AC;TVCabo;
N 4801 01 133E3052E3B6EDFE;TVCabo;
N 4801 80 D1BA20E9AE50B295;TVCabo;

N 4901 00 853ADDB53AEE45AC;TVCabo;
N 4901 01 133E3052E3B6EDFE;TVCabo;
N 4901 80 D1BA20E9AE50B295;TVCabo;
N 7001 00 D579379DDC47E73D;;
N 7001 01 BD422C6AD2B58C24;Polsat;
N 7001 80 992035B3B25C4D9B;Polsat;

N 7101 00 D579379DDC47E73D;;
N 7101 01 BD422C6AD2B58C24;Polsat;
N 7101 80 992035B3B25C4D9B;Polsat;
N 7801 00 AA4816ACC6EE808B;StarDigital;
N 7801 01 EB21CD7F72FD69DF;StarDigital;
N 7801 80 69A9B7E3BAA193A3;StarDigital;

N 7901 00 AA4816ACC6EE808B;StarDigital;
N 7901 01 EB21CD7F72FD69DF;StarDigital;
N 7901 80 69A9B7E3BAA193A3;StarDigital;

; Put correct Dish keys !!!!!!!!!!
N 0001 00 0607F0E2616FE145; ***********;
N 0001 01 C26646F87A73482A; ***********;
; N 0001 80 ................

; N 0101 00 ................;Dish;
; N 0101 01 ................;Dish;
; N 0101 80 ................;Dish

N 0801 00 82d751e45b979d81;BEV;
N 0801 01 655746143602D8DA;BEV;
N 0801 80 EB78A5CDB3A3DB28;BEV;

N 0901 00 82d751e45b979d81;BEV;
N 0901 01 655746143602D8DA;BEV;
;N 0901 80 EB78A5CDB3A3DB28;BEV Disabled because Verify/hash fails

; I hope all these keys are right
;------------ Nagra MECM Keys
; *** Dish ***
N 0001 E1 EBC0B57BE8BA9DCAED270559B844E71A27BF16264A7F5EC4B0442809587E3C6B10BC59B106B8EA49642612739A6C888ED69639AAF01B88D60CC938EF2C2D5A6B
N 0001 N1 E586063A58B1B5D4F9865DFF87A7EA54D1407DF1D8B1D16A41BA856B45DDB7371A9A060A0A14E06E96399BACE7A2CCD5416256FFE829CC41932DD566C34307A1
N 0001 N2 331EF8FECE2E9643897B36834019518C8A7AB791D7AFC5DE7F775255FD1D4E9CFE267913C8D38D8FCF4D0EC649B602F8747BE3BAE311F6E301DE291BE486A3C3

N 0101 E1 3B7E5DDFB86E0DFB6EB4D5D07348338AF91A69A8DE569A89AFE42A008CDFE402800BC37CDCEC3C2197C1C641BCA916CB491E58C020885FE565A29647B6F0CF70
N 0101 N1 53B509B80C7587082C8D41508F2A8F263F65976891F9B1700BAF83D00DE5CCA8419124BB4A63DBB16222AA629AFEA1B06E2D8420314C0FD898F3616B11E937A9
N 0101 N2 1984D7CA6A61244E0FC54215849EA308BA63F8E44AECEF697D91AF54863F3FF3952A98461114CE3D432CA7C9F21F5B9CDA4442F452D5C54A391FEB53CBAE54D2

; *** BEV ***
N 0801 E1 FB4BB5825641F4092B6438F829548858D87C64A0AFB984DE2B35656C59871939537CAAA8CA77214EF35B31ABCBA7B69809963BF0182B33C3A91C139F5B4DBF68
N 0801 N1 FF41DEA9A44D6E2D481093FA4A69198303BAF641AAB5046BAA7255A48EF1D1677EBAFFFCAF3332F5EC09CA80B1FB11650E615968A5C0CCA4FEAA9C6E09F41E9D
N 0801 N2 2B66674CFD08B518449FC91E65446C1356552C0588DDB044D566C455C3B79884CCCCBBB36C5B866D018E158DA4FE6E0D991FEFF10D9B8A28528587746099B893

N 0901 E1 737DBCE7286E534CBDA9CF73DFBAC12E845074E1C0A56BEDDC9BD1997F4C8710669922D67535C603F7390634B349DF0B0C59699D636D621177194D7D4A381956
N 0901 N1 A5766BD4C971F5AD76C7E32D23EAD11D4651818DB43A7D4B50FBFA8882275A971AE633C13050A985F25609CE8CEECE1192051E6C15A4139A32A6F3BB6FD42581
N 0901 N2 3D8F6409948BABEC78017A6CDB81C97B8484676A135386D25AB8E509F1FD63AE4B55A310E1B526F98E26E1431E9E94BA4ECF267A0FFEB514B815A4A81429E88A

; *** SABC ***
N 2C01 E1 C3C0DC47AFBEA4900D041D76BA1A0B54CD25BDDC69EEA835C213DFF834CC6E17D8672EAAFC21ECD2EA9B2D12852A6BE518B330BE4A05DE2778EE42F22ECAC68C
N 2C01 N1 194A6BE3222DD24A9B4EEFDE4F9BF2B8BC91CEA221CD81C75C51B4B1573F5FF5C59B45FFFA32623CE069449BC7BF2058A50C491DF007CD3BB465646B462F2AD3
N 2C01 N2 DFAB71BECA6ABCC97FAC708DA21B296FB537E3B017356061297E51B1097695EF257D39FA0C2C5C229D616B34ECB7F051B2CCFC7EB1394F105C4066DF57B522C5

; *** Via Dig ***
N 4001 E1 CB26B544395971E32C1E97F679CA02756BFB9079DAF89F78521DA22278C8C9375A63935E74986AC172B169EFC45C44ADDF593387F31F051AC108EBCBA7242793
N 4001 N1 237CA13356F3162A0E5D78D26410715494B00A1586B8CABC2DC9804697D93C300915DD8DAEE41F222C8A1E67278BE683CF06CD4AEDAF07A7218DE0B1FBB6BADC
N 4001 N2 F351CBAD69F412CEF65BC56CCBDD7AB53A7FD387C696E81532F5FC13980E9347A79CC4FCA8363F96764B0AB0A9886EA2E8D74A3FB6E3926E726830637748EE8A

N 4101 E1 6B13210363A2A4BCAEB9640C26D4CF30542349FAAE1B2A38A48E315610A0D318F8F7D97A5D27B4FD2969EB711B699209DC1DF1A147468B0846B408D3589E7358
N 4101 N1 C345EAA6A1C159513317110F78E869E40CFAD905D15929C315314B8AAAC24C99F5F346380C3B8EFCBE1DE12AA99D5B0ECAACE9726BE9D00C690E8D3C856DAD84
N 4101 N2 6F8D91AAEC672434151D8C862CD8C7D81E158E69566C89C7B88A3619C05A0DD7B7D37BF0973AB25DC819DAB9E2C35F6C2F553488D4CBC9A2A17DADADA032388B

; *** Cabo ***
N 4801 E1 6B6661ABE3A4AFE9001B95EE2D6D356B70FA02ABC20E474B2F5A0CC412451697E2ED1E8EC4151EEECEB5BF41CA783F99C8C3A527A68B06B6E9C61FEF1BA2068B
N 4801 N1 FF59C4706078B8F560EE44C2C3BA94D0ED2ADE528FC9B8CF4AE611E0B16BC7B1D5642ED5A6202D65B6909F622F35DFE5ACA5783B79D109915EAAAFE629F389D0
N 4801 N2 E9B5E0381178318CFF793B4892976AD5AD5536819A40EF934FD664F4303ABCAABB56FF5B8D98A33F10087D892402776777C9A1F5BD533B0E494B84B70D787F88

N 4901 E1 83DF6E5E37E588DA311752EB9007D9F64E31FE16F19342287CE838E932DBB140AC368A5C37CAF388983FEBA093CAAFE8AF639F7B70862AC9E66A1C16BEBDB95C
N 4901 N1 0977F0461FCE43CCF4AF27F924F060F61770ED2B2F06698409B4DD11629807E40352CF0A53AF6DCD64DF6071DDAF07DD87156FB9A8C9BF2D5AA02A219D9C168B
N 4901 N2 C5F689A7CB1B126DF2F9B8536985F506788FA5FDD609A0D324A5D0A7BD7D1F72097B98DE31C4D2AC3CA974D4E6459B98D145670DEDF8BDE914E79A9BB00D4281

; *** Dream ***
N 4E01 E1 AB8790F9C43F4866032AA23D2C8E617E292D07C93B874F7D569AA04B668A61FB0517682B520C33158C229BA94B4BD409C4B0E4F446D602A5880E2A4FBB66755B
N 4E01 N1 690DB807B3153BEFFA5121F8ECAA7C65CA52FD6F83041597E6D71DEDA84A8D718A221C417B92CC1FD2B3687EF170BE0E2609576F6A4184F7CC15BFF6181A3089
N 4E01 N2 DDF52A2386D127D1F1D584BAE1C66D3AED5E04DA398B4BC8F2385C20A085AC219F484807F67090C73B8F342DD5F43CD40BB9726BA2B8D1AE08A32EC687F84DD5

; *** Polsat ***
N 7001 E1 C37F500A00ACD79D6BE8573E08AAFE16B691EABA297AED523D24AB1AF752B1972170604DCF050C4C8E3E21E7C0A286E54D0FF66E60F47FBF350FD9CE68C68487
N 7001 N1 F1F41CE18B61599C95C9B9E11831EE988323B7F859B775F83507DA95032C562D34A810F4B6081272D5DDB15A21F449D8F41671A690EE3F9FD09645369D2947CB
N 7001 N2 B3C424839347FD0FF83006F1FC67CECC1DF0E8BB162E264920393502E0F7D33DFC1E64808E9704928A83768197483964ACABFCC1BE3804C5D6033A63B61FC0B8

N 7101 E1 CB7E91C5D69F4BAE0B8F623BA51513F62D6AA793B57B741BEF01FAE7947167DE3091B3482F382C1DB7F82119771047F0E73E0F9C882B244B7316C0E530AA4C66
N 7101 N1 C15BF6C8EC946AF8548FA819771F6982EE81F8FB33CACDDDA306E119823332DCCA590DED4654C2AB12F5B2A5B2986AE85BDE16EA4C41B6F0AC21A05849FF7299
N 7101 N2 49A9A2000C67EA08B245E57531DDCE53B36C4E42A07D7E69DDBF19C81164DA054EFEEB1C0F1B6F2E04FB294FC6EB444BEF58808EE7D215AB70D03F8BBB037BA6

; *** Star 42E ***
N 7401 E1 4BE39A19673713F922255423B985E0888D7D2F599922DD8E3C130923AB0D3C6007C301C75B254C9A19065103C8F88D7F9072ED1215DCBAD912AAAC3C2C2DCA9D
N 7401 N1 3120430776698D5FBC4835CA8423CF46E23B31E85F7E028E10D2E43B4B25DFFC8CA482AA093872672689F9042CF554BFD82B649C1F4A98461CFF025BC243AFEC
N 7401 N2 73B2B344F7EB70848630542B0F6F8F42AC6B2F249751769417E8FBF019BA90B00F38FA4F08C7033ED93A697D5CCDECC724E6C7E7BED273121D6A65E55DAA1382

N 7501 E1 EB83F21B2C44042344AF192EFE50A8647FD8ABCC539F7B8A0BBD047A54EAFCFAF2A6631DB4E56F5FC34C52F8A92B32022E1138D4A60B4781C966002233559467
N 7501 N1 4F9BF757A460F9F4C6D4D51E7A1DFCD04CF079EFA3C38DA34D4E7883A4A6CE116E7A152C8ED8270F25737BF47E414B03C519543E7A91EA412E9A00B3CC7F5E9B
N 7501 N2 CD706C0472D32649CE7B37F5BDAD05EFC7BC290B542CFE697DB7F116F1AB8D08483A89DE76543FA7069FE9C7BBA369E84B599AA457CC38D7DC6ADC5F06A5C881

; *** NTL Cable ***
N 5C01 E1 B36D3B388114B52A399072D00B641E4A2FE4CC10B560FF93FE7186EB92FB9B765286D646F1C3B2E7008033D063428BD35A5AAF4A4A3704AFD370D2298850637B
N 5C01 N1 25AA699AAB2A0A03B3D2991741D01DC241C27A927A0E99001EDF6BD7F097BD677DC941EAE9258C5B01404DB895E3503D88070770EF5286863DA9BB3ECCF814B9
N 5C01 N2 0949B1739A01612535BCE1FD0D360A1CD698A9BC08781B433A10DCE193E5EFA84D2E4298E16CAC22BFD87BA0F11EA441224F5E993E4F8B16DD2588F10278B8B5

N 5D01 E1 6BD17FF204A0322CB2054FAC32895079166255F0FF6E971660F82A1DD45B3E8103B34C3218646EBC81D0EE55EAE3586CDF30DD1F9FDBB964A8D3D06E76BDAF5C
N 5D01 N1 E5EFE1CC11D47177D55E306537319BAEA676798EFB6B3CBB5B3E1034EDE3AFBC860C734B2496A59AC238E680DF5585224FC9CBAF6EC916977C3D39A6319C078B
N 5D01 N2 1F7779B2D55C51E6B8DD09A64E39C0A2D969D4A881BA6E81034E1C916C46F6BD5935A8C6A78A5AED9DBD599B59526C68D32DDC99E963CA592682B9642207C2A9

; *** Globecast ***
N C001 E1 8B45948307EAA0DF2703FA2BEEBF26D1DB8C424AABF5E776431A51127984A723AA5A0367BC6A35F81A5AFC513BD7494CB0D52B6151D72FDB408F2E524919BA69
N C001 N1 0F9C733B41B72CA0776A9923863C7FF1F34369AC540C5EB9D3030FBF806AC6CB0008859A1A2050742887FAFAD8C26E7288C0C111FAC2C748E1D645FBED25979E
N C001 N2 37D7BB66E18CB396CA4B4FB28FFAD448D511C5CA0DE04F3AD3E9D441117F561B56C341BA70592890EEF7375E8C3B0919DD38A633C7389C41759AE24D90B91682

Step 3: Turn off your computer and connect your LNB directly to the DVB card, DO NOT use a diseqc switch yet we will set that up later. Restart your computer.

Step 4: Start MyTheater

MyTheater should start up without any errors, if you get a DVB card failure or a directshow failure refer to step 1. Once MyTheater has started move your cursor over to the video portion of the screen and right click, this will bring up the following menu.

MyTheater Options Menu
Click on general settings, this will bring up a window where you can set general program options, I advise turning off the Timeshift feature until everything has been set up and is running correctly, Do so by clicking on the Timeshift Tab and de-selecting the Enable Timeshift CheckBox (Box is empty). Close the General settings window.

Step 5: Right click on the video screen and select LNB Settings. This brings up a Window showing all your available satellites and their transponders.

Generally I delete all of the satellites, what you do is up to you, but personally I like only the satellites I am interested in being listed, it makes it a lot easier to find what you are looking for.

Step 6: Copy and Paste the following into notepad, save it as 2410.ini, This is for Echostar 7, you can do this without closing MyTheater.
2=Echostar 7

Do the same for this one for this one for Echostar 6, 8 and save as 2500.ini.


2=Echostar 6,8


Step 7: In MyTheater on the Satellites window you will see some buttons one of them says Import press this button and browse to where you saved the ini file?, select this file and import it into MyTheater.
You should now have a new satellite that says Echostar 7 or Echostar 6, 8, which ever one you imported. Highlight this satellite by clicking on it with your mouse.

Right below the satellites box are 3 text boxes put 241 or 250 for which satellite you are going to setup in the first box, leave the second box alone and in the third box select SIMPLE1 from the dropdown.
Again at the bottom of the screen there is a button marked APPLY press this button to save your settings.
In the next set of text boxes put 11250000 in the field LOF1, leave the second field SW at 0, and put 11250000 in the third field LOF2, you will have to type these numbers in manually to set them. When you hare entered these settings press the apply button to save your settings.

You are now ready to scan the satellite for channels. On the other side of the satellites windows you will see a list of available transponders, and below this you will see 3 Blue buttons press the one marked Sel All, this will highlight all the transponders for the satellite, now press the scan button. A new screen will pop up to show you the transponder being scanned and the results. After the scan is done. Close the Scan window and then close the LNB Settings window. On the Right side of your screen under the channels list you should now have a new satellite listed , In front of it is a +sign press it and you should see all your channels.

Step 8: Check for audio and video, select a channel that has a red dot beside it and double click on it within a few seconds you should start seeing and hearing your program, if you don't keep reading. If you don't get audio and video after a minute or so then something is wrong and while I can't troubleshoot everything here these are the most common problems and how to solve them.
First off right click on the video window and when the menu pops up check and see if the selection marked Video On/Off has a checkmark beside it, if it doesn't then click on it to turn it on.
If you still don't have video try another channel and see if that works, some of the channels are HD and you can't receive them anyway.
Next check to see which graph you are using, right click on the video menu and when the menu pops up move your mouse down to the Graphs menu and there will be another menu, the Graph that is being used will have a check mark beside it make sure the one that is for your OS has a check mark beside it.
If you still aren't getting anything you probably have a key problem Right click on the video screen and go to the selection that says plugins select the MD API Wrapper and select it, this will bring up a window where you can check to see if your keys are valid. Across the top of the MD API Wrapper window are a set of menu choices, select the one that says Yankse, a menu will drop down, first of all make sure that the one marked ACTIVE has a check mark beside it.
Next click on the one that says show monitor a new screen will pop up and here we can check and see if our keyfile is valid. In the box marked Key there should be a set of numbers, if they aren't there you have an invalid keyfile, the box could also show an error message, no key, invalid key, etc.
If this is the case then get another keyfile and try again.

Select the MD API Wrapper to show available plugins

Normally all of the boxes in the monitor screen will show numbers in them, the only one that you are interested in is the box labeled Key, you should see a set of numbers and or letters in this box, if it says NO KEY, or INVALID KEY then your keyfile is not valid and you will either need a new one or if you are able create a new one.

NOTE: A plugin called Fenrir is supposed to pick up the new keys from the datastream. While it does work some people have trouble getting it to work. I? suggest you not try it until you get Yankse up and running first. Fenrir is not a necessary plugin. If/when the keys roll, you can always get them on the internet and then manually updated the SoftCam.key file.

Step 9: Turn off your computer and disconnect the connect the LNB for the next lnb to scan. Restart your computer.

Follow exactly the same procedure as you did in Step 7 and scan the satellite

Check to see if they are being decoded properly the same way you did in step 8 if they are the you can go to the next step and hook up your diseqc switch.

Step 10: Turn off your computer and disconnect the LNB cable. Connect a piece of cable between the terminal marked receiver of the diseqc switch and the LNB Input of your DVBCard, Connect the cable to the LNB1 terminal of the diseqc switch, then Connect the cable to the LNB2 terminal of the diseqc switch. Restart your computer and then start MyTheater. When MyTheater comes up Right click on your video screen and select LNB Settings, when the window pops up select the satellite by clicking on it with your mouse, In the box directly below the satellites from the dropdown that says Estar 250 SIMPLE1 change it to V1.0-LNB1 press the apply button. Select the EStar 119 satellite in the satellites list and then change the box showing SIMPLE1 to V1.0-LNB2 and press the apply button.

LNB Settings Screen showing proper LNB Setting for Diseqc switch

If you did everything like you were supposed to you should now be able to switch back and forth between **** and Dish without any problems, I have been using this setup for a short while and while there are a few minor problems they aren't enough to be concerned about.

MyTheater seems to be quite a good program, it does have a few bugs in it (IE: Freezing) but I have found that by editing your channel lists you can get rid of most of them. Be Warned - if you select a channel that is in HDTV the program will try to receive and decode it your CPU usage will go to 100% and it will take a few minutes for the system to recover, some of the guys are testing these cards to receive HDTV but there doesn't seem to be much success, most people are probably better off waiting till an HDTV card is released.

11. Now you say I don? get any video on any channels, well you can right click on each channel and select 1800 instead of 1801 and hit apply and you should get video and sound.

But that is a pain in the butt!!!!!!!!! If you have Microsoft access do the following:

I also was able to get version 3.12 working once I removed the 1801 EMM and ECM records. Changing 600+ records manually quickly became tiresome, so I wrote a little SQL statement that will make the changes for you. Here is how:

1) Make a backup copy of Channels.mdb.
2) Start Microsoft Access
3) File | Open selece Channels.mdb
4) Select "Queries" under "Objects"
5) Select "Create Query in Design View"
6) Close "Show Table" window
7) Right click in top pane and select "SQL View"
8) Copy and paste the following line into that window:
DELETE * FROM PIDs WHERE PIDs.PID>=249 AND (Type=5 Or Type=6);
9) Close that window and save the query
10) Double click the query you just created

and you should be in business with Version 3.12.

The Software and where to get it.
MyTheater http://www.mytheatre.da.ru/
DirectX 9 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/
Media Player 9 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/
MDWrapper: http://dvbsoft.rvsnet.cz/files/MDWrapper126d.zip


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安裝Adblock plus用戶請點擊瀏覽器圖標
選擇“Disable on www.wenxuecity.com”

選擇“don't run on pages on this domain”