Article ID: 30-234882642
Hardware: Not Applicable
Software: TaxCut Standard 2003, TaxCut Deluxe 2003, TaxCut Premium 2003, TaxCut EZ 2003
Operating System(s): Windows 98, Windows NT WKSTN 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows ME, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows 95
Issue: Error: 'MX2 controller is not licensed for use in this application.' when installing TaxCut
Cause: This problem can occur when you are running a foreign (e.g., Arabic, Chinese etc.) language
Resolution: To solve the problem, change your Regional Settings in Windows
Hardware: Not Applicable
Software: TaxCut Standard 2003, TaxCut Deluxe 2003, TaxCut Premium 2003, TaxCut EZ 2003
Operating System(s): Windows 98, Windows NT WKSTN 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows ME, Windows XP Home, Windows XP Professional, Windows 95
Issue: Error: 'MX2 controller is not licensed for use in this application.' when installing TaxCut
The following error occurs installing TaxCut:
MX2 controller is not licensed for use in this application.Cause: This problem can occur when you are running a foreign (e.g., Arabic, Chinese etc.) language
Resolution: To solve the problem, change your Regional Settings in Windows
To change your regional settings:
For Windows 95/98/me
- Double-click [My Computer], and then double-click [Control Panel].
- In the Control Panel box, double-click [Regional Settings].
- On the [General] tab, under Your locale (location), select [English (United States)].
- Click [Apply], and then click [OK].
For Windows 2000/NT
- Double-click [My Computer], and then double-click [Control Panel].
- In the Control Panel box, double-click [Regional Options].
- On the [General] tab, under Your locale (location), select [English (United States)].
- On the [Input Locales] tab, under [Input Language], select [English (United States)].
- Click [Apply], and then click [OK].
For Windows XP
- Double-click [My Computer], and then double-click [Control Panel].
- In the Control Panel box, double-click [Regional and Language Options].
- On the [Regional Options] tab, under [Standards and Formats], select [English (United States)].
- Under [Location], select [United States].
- On the [Languages] tab, under [Text Services and Input Languages], click [Details].
- Under [Default Input Language], select [English (United States)].
- Click [Apply], and then click [OK].
- Click [Apply], and then click [OK] again.